What can you do if you have purchased something and you’re not satisfied with it? Whether you purchased it online or bought it from a physical store, there is most likely a return policy. In many cases, you have 30 days to decide whether or not you like the item. If a product you bought is defective, contact the seller immediately. You can ask them to replace the item or refund the money. You will need to return the item, either to a physical store or to an address provided to you by an online retailer.
Find Return Policy Info by Browsing and Searching the Site
This website provides return, exchange, and refund information for both well-known and lesser-known stores. Browse and search the site for more return policy info from companies like IKEA, Express, Barnes & Noble, and others. We summarize our key takeaways and provide direct links to vendor return policy information as often as possible. Note: to search, click the magnifying glass in the navigation area at the top of the site.